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Category: Men
Missed Moment or Moment Missed
Last night I spent a great deal of time speaking with a very handsome man. I had wondered if he had interest or if he was seeking conversation with someone other than his travel mate. We spoke of past relationships, where we are now, the B-52’s and photography. It was…
Isn’t It All Temporary?
Recently someone told me that our relationship was ‘temporary’. I had to do everything I could to remain calm; however, after I had that not always taken ‘time-to-think’…. I realized how true that was. Life has a way of showing us just how ‘expendable’ we are. We all know that…
Future Missed
With the entire December album of George Winston playing in the background I write this. Thanksgiving being the first song. The holiday itself is about sharing, time with family and taking your stomach to task. As I listen to George display his talent, I wonder about my ‘special purpose’ as…
Found Our Real Deal
Some love comes in an instant, whereas, other love comes in time. I’m living a fairy tale, there are no swords, or castles – it’s the 2 of us, together enjoying one another with zero drama. We watch a few couples in the neighborhood endure police interaction, other suitors and…
A New Kind of Happy
When Your Rock Becomes A Pebble
Worth Waiting For…..
I’m Still Here
Tough As An Egg, Sharp As A Ball This is the Theme of My Dating Life Y’all
If We’re Not Serious – Am I Kidding Myself?
When Push Comes to Shove, In Love
It had been on my mind; however, was it the person or the action that caused me angst? When I started to go into it… it became evident that I was not looking at the person, I was recalling the action of another. Shame on me! I try to keep…
Proctologist By Design or Default
Dedicated Evasive Automatic
This morning while getting ready I caught a few minutes of The Recruit with Al Pacino…more or less the movie is about the training of CIA Agents and the twists and turns are constant. First you think that Layla really did get cut from the school only to realize that it was…
Don’t Ever Assume
It’s never easy when you meet someone new to really ‘know’ what it is that they are thinking. Yes, you can ask; however, there are certain situations in which that state of unknown is sort of appealing. I’ve never been one to play hard to get or coy, when it…
Jail Date
I’ll see him when he gets out of jail! Who knew that someone I could feel so connected to would be in jail? We’ve spent countless hours on the phone and with each call it is more exciting than the last! In many ways I feel as if I’ve known…
I Earned My WTF Were You Thinking Badge
If dating was setup like the Girl Scouts….I would have recently earned my WTF Were You Thinking Badge! I would have had it a few days ago; however, my recent text exchange with Mr. Cute solidified it. For moments, OK, days I toiled with his comment… We would have been…
I’ve started to write articles for WikiHow, it’s been a really great experience thus far and not only do I encourage you to click the image below to read some of my articles, but, consider becoming part of the WikiHow community. Continue Reading
He Talked, Well, Does Text Count?
As we end the month of July… it became abundantly clear to me… I need to separate from Mr. Cute… I sent the text again and this time low & behold I received a reply… and it was a fueled one too… he had finally shared a few pieces of…
Truth be told, I left a few things at Mr. Cute’s… as I was removing most of my stuff to just give him a little room; however, it’s been 2 weeks and a day since we’ve spoken and I’ve come to terms with his unique way of saying he’s done. This was…