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Category: BKFB
BK Fly Boy
2 Different states, 2 potential countries… where will we meet up? Will it be blissful? Will it be what we’ve both tempered to dream of? Questions asked; however, far too early to answer. Is this the beginning of the love story to end all others? Will she see in him,…
Waiting…. Tempering Expectations – Excited
It’s very easy to ‘say’ you’re thinking rationally; however, the uncontrollable excitement cannot be easily controlled. We all want to be able to give someone a true chance by not over-thinking too much, dreaming up scenarios and creating a vision of what it all will be like, yet, when you’ve…
Our Story Begins…..
It’s much too soon to be using the word ‘our’ with much more meaning than it involving 2 ; however, against better judgment I’m going to begin ‘Our Story’. We have yet to meet in person, yet, through various forms of communication we’ve established a strong baseline. There’s a bit…