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Category: Personal
You’re Fired
When Your Rock Becomes A Pebble
Tough As An Egg, Sharp As A Ball This is the Theme of My Dating Life Y’all
Screaming Girls Annoy Me
I’m Still Smoking….
…my electronic cigarette! While in Chicago this past November my friend JJ, no not, Jimmy Walker…took me to CigNot. She highly recommended the electronic cigarette. I had thought about quitting; however, each attempt was, well, unsuccessful. She was not pushy; however, she knew how wonderful this was and she knew…
Now, I Don’t Want To Talk! (I guess)
Mr. Cute and I have been talking recently; however, days past by without a call or text and in my new approach, I was not driving the ship. Yet, I felt that I had every right to reach out, check-in – see what, if anything was up. So I did….
“There is the dream of someone else….”
Dating Life – Good; Blog Life – Not So Good
It has become abundantly apparent that this blog was originally created to vent my dating experiences; however, based on recent experiences it has become clear that as I move from the dates of chaos, I have less to write about. I definitely want to scream from the mountain tops as…
2 – Options 0 – Regrets 1 – Me 3 – ?
I am sure there will be a ton of posts launching at 12:01 1 January 2013, therefore I may as well put my post in the ring. This will be a short one as I begin the New Year! I am welcoming the new year at home, by myself. I…
When Push Comes to Shove, In Love
It had been on my mind; however, was it the person or the action that caused me angst? When I started to go into it… it became evident that I was not looking at the person, I was recalling the action of another. Shame on me! I try to keep…
Living Small
There are big moments in our life, where all we can do is ‘live small’… almost microscopic. Sure, we’ll pick up, join in and get with the program; however, in certain situations and for undefined amounts of time, there is validity in just pulling back, taking stock. If you’re a…
Jail Date
I’ll see him when he gets out of jail! Who knew that someone I could feel so connected to would be in jail? We’ve spent countless hours on the phone and with each call it is more exciting than the last! In many ways I feel as if I’ve known…
I Earned My WTF Were You Thinking Badge
If dating was setup like the Girl Scouts….I would have recently earned my WTF Were You Thinking Badge! I would have had it a few days ago; however, my recent text exchange with Mr. Cute solidified it. For moments, OK, days I toiled with his comment… We would have been…
I’ve started to write articles for WikiHow, it’s been a really great experience thus far and not only do I encourage you to click the image below to read some of my articles, but, consider becoming part of the WikiHow community. Continue Reading
He Talked, Well, Does Text Count?
As we end the month of July… it became abundantly clear to me… I need to separate from Mr. Cute… I sent the text again and this time low & behold I received a reply… and it was a fueled one too… he had finally shared a few pieces of…
Truth be told, I left a few things at Mr. Cute’s… as I was removing most of my stuff to just give him a little room; however, it’s been 2 weeks and a day since we’ve spoken and I’ve come to terms with his unique way of saying he’s done. This was…
A dear friend of mine recently read my ‘cards’ and the primary theme was that in order for me to get out of the ‘rut’ I am in, that I needed to do something for myself. It did not have to be a big thing, nor did it require tons…
The Process
I’ve been going through the process… can’t really call it a break-up process, because the crux of not talking with one another makes it near impossible to know what is really going on. This forces one to just decide on their own… not an ideal situation, but, since we are…
I’ve started to write articles for WikiHow, it’s been a really great experience thus far and not only do I encourage you to click the image below to read some of my articles, but, consider becoming part of the WikiHow community. Continue Reading