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Category: Common Sense
3 Sides of the Truth
Quit Asking!
I definitely believe in helping others. I wish that there was more that I could do; however, I do what I can and in some cases I do more than I should. I do not think that I am any better than anyone else and trust me, there are tons…
Chattanooga, TN
I’m still furious that the flags were NOT lowered and when I am furious – I write, here’s another CountryClaire original. I did not know these heroes and just recently learned their names For they never sought the glory nor hungered for this fame Each name represents a tragedy that…
Deploy or Not? What Makes a Marine?
When Your Rock Becomes A Pebble
Worth Waiting For…..
I’m Still Here
I’m Still Smoking….
…my electronic cigarette! While in Chicago this past November my friend JJ, no not, Jimmy Walker…took me to CigNot. She highly recommended the electronic cigarette. I had thought about quitting; however, each attempt was, well, unsuccessful. She was not pushy; however, she knew how wonderful this was and she knew…
Now, I Don’t Want To Talk! (I guess)
Mr. Cute and I have been talking recently; however, days past by without a call or text and in my new approach, I was not driving the ship. Yet, I felt that I had every right to reach out, check-in – see what, if anything was up. So I did….
Dating Life – Good; Blog Life – Not So Good
It has become abundantly apparent that this blog was originally created to vent my dating experiences; however, based on recent experiences it has become clear that as I move from the dates of chaos, I have less to write about. I definitely want to scream from the mountain tops as…
If We’re Not Serious – Am I Kidding Myself?
When Push Comes to Shove, In Love
It had been on my mind; however, was it the person or the action that caused me angst? When I started to go into it… it became evident that I was not looking at the person, I was recalling the action of another. Shame on me! I try to keep…
Let Him Run His Race
Border Patrol, It’s Not Just For The South
How on earth could someone stick & stay so tightly to their position? Simple, they are aware of their boundaries. For over a week I’ve been blathering on about how Mr. Cute has stated: “I don’t want to talk.” He never truly wavered on this and any conversation was short…
Am I A Dog?
I have a pretty good overall demeanor, most that have met me sense that I am independent, capable, intelligent and kind; however, it has been said more than once that they would never want to cross me. I say that because that is what I’ve been told and in truth,…
I’d Rather Be Alone & Lonely, Than Lonely & With Someone
I’ve said this a time or two before, usually to someone else that was going through a bad break-up or difficult relationship; however, until recently I did not realize that I was full of crap! For the past week or two, not only have I felt lonely with Mr. Cute,…
Radiance Abound
I’ve been the reader/follower of many relationship blogs… and I have learned some invaluable things… yet, what I have learned most is that there are more blogs about issues than about successes. I totally understand that someone else’s joy amidst your pain or confusion may be hard to stomach; however,…
By now I should realize that all of the thinking, worrying and fear will inevitably be for nothing… irrespective of the outcome all of this time spent has absolutely no benefit. I am driving myself crazy and for what purpose… since I am keeping my things to myself, well, with…