What Snaps My Binder!

I cannot remember the person that used the phrase:  Snap a binder; however, I’ve fallen in love with it.  Here are a few situations that ‘snap my binder’! Motorists that slow down to gawk at a routine traffic stop.  I definitely understand safety for the Officers; however, move to the…

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Animal Rescue

Kitty & Tiger are both from rescue, Kitty had a more docile history whereas Tiger’s was a bit more tumultuous.  It’s funny, I know that a lot of animals end up in rescue due to horrid circumstances; however, many others are the victims of the economy, the death of a…

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What Happened?

My posts have been little to non-existent, since I started this blog up again, so here’s a little history……The last few months of 2011 were a little tumultuous; however, for good reason…. In mid-November, I was let go from my job, fired, layed-off, dismissed, relieved…. whatever the term, I was FREE!  My professional…

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Center of Attention

If you’ve ever met me you’ll know that my louder than normal voice and unfiltered comments are just some of the things that I am known for; however, what you may not know is just how small I feel at times.  I realize that no other person will ever ‘complete’…

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Spider Stupid

There are severely stupid people that walk this earth.  I’m not touching on those that do not possess common-sense nor am I thinking about those that have a chemical deficiency…I am focusing solely on the those that are so stupid that they cannot adjust to the easiest of atmospheres. It…

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